Being a translator for the animals
means the world to me.

Since 2015 I've been working as a professional animal communicator for international clients. Having trained with some of the most known teachers of all times, like Penelope Smith and Amelia Kinkade, I focus on shining a light on how we can communicate with each other to find peace, harmony and purpose - this is my favourite mission in life!

Whatever your questions may be concerning your animal's health, mental wellbeing, companions and different stages in your life together - I'm happy and honoured to help.

What can animal communication do for you and your animal?

When you suddenly understand each other, a whole new world opens up - health issues, mental challenges, behavioural mysteries (and so much more) all make sense when you see your animal's point of view (and he or she understands yours much better!).

What is needed?

For an online consultation I need 2-3 pictures of your animal friend, in which only he or she is present and preferably looks directly into the camera in high resolution.

Furthermore his or her age and gender, as well as your questions.

If possible, try to keep additional information about your friend to a minimum, once I contact him or her, I tell you some things about his or her background, favourite things and habits for you to confirm or expand upon. This helps me to stay as open and as neutral as possible.

Once I have contacted your animal and asked your questions, you will receive a spoken or written protocol with our conversation and any further suggestions or messages I receive.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Can I consult you before going to the vet?
If possible, please consult your vet first. This makes sure that in case of an emergency you get the fastest and most appropriate care, which I am happy to accompany with the communication and, if you so wish, add suggestions for complimentary treatment.

Do you also contact animals in heaven?
Yes I do.

How many questions can I ask?
As many as you like! Pricing starts at €85 including 5 questions for one animal and increasing €10 each for further questions.

Will my animal tell you secrets that I don't like anyone to know? Or talk badly about me...?
Personally in all my 10 years of animal communication I have never experienced this. What I do find is that animals sometimes have wishes or requests, and are very keen on having these passed on to their human. Even in dire situations I encountered nothing but compassionate, wise and friendly dialogues, as the animals feel and gladyl act upon our wish to help them.

Can you just see what you receive, I can't think of any questions?
Usually having you as the animal's guardian formulate a specific question is the most effective. There have been some occasions, however, when it was very appropriate to simply be a channel for the animal voice for anything that he or she felt was most important for us humans to hear.

Do you go into some kind of trance or do some form of magic?
No, I am communicating with the animal telepathically, being in a normal, present, focused state. It can be compared to an inner radio, and when I communicate I tune into the "radio station" of the animal in front of me - in person or via photo.

How can I help you and your animal?

Let me know in what area of your life you need help with your animal companion. I very much look forward to supporting you both!